A Herd of Deer

I was on my way home when I was fortunate to see this herd of deer. I think, there are 21 deer. I only took a few photos of them. I did not want to spook the deer while they were eating. We’ve been having very frigid temperatures the last few days. I am sure the deer were happy to find food.

Until next time…Rebecca

Happy Winter Solstice

Beautiful day here in mid-Michigan. Today is the first official day of winter. The day will be short and the night long.

Canadian Geese enjoying the sun on the Maple River

But for now, the sun is shining brightly. I cannot ask for a better day, especially for this time of year.

Happy Winter Solstice, my friends.

Until next time…peace

Silver Bells in the City

Over this past weekend, I attended the annual event, Silver Bells in the City which held at our state’s capitol in Lansing, Michigan. The event marks the start of the Christmas season with a tree lighting ceremony. And, yes, being in Michigan, the weather is cold for this event. But I absolutely love the light parade, tree lighting, and fireworks over the capitol.

Sometimes, braving the cold is a necessity. I find singing Christmas carols with complete strangers while standing in the middle of the street a great way to start the holidays.

Is there an annual event in your area to celebrate the Christmas season? I would love to hear about it.

Until next time…peace


The Silence of Winter at Sunset

Yes, I know it is not officially winter. But the mid-Michigan weather suggests otherwise. We have been experiencing frigid temperatures. Anyone who follows this blog knows I love sunsets (and sunrises). So I still think the caption is fitting.

Have a wonderful day.

How’s the weather in your area?

Until next…peace

Polar Vortex to Ice

Last week was freezing here in mid-Michigan. The Polar Vortex gave us unbelievably frigid temperatures. Along with biting cold, the bone-chilling wind chills made me want to stay indoors. Then, we had a brief warm up to almost fifty degrees. And, now…well…we have ice everywhere. I am afraid to ask what Mother Nature has in store for us next.


I just know he (or she) is telling me, “Excuse me can you fill your bird feeders? So I can sit out here, eat, and drive your dogs insane.”

I took extra care on keeping my feeders full. I had numerous winged visitors and a few furry ones.

I think the bird was giving me the evil eye because I was interrupting lunch. Notice the thin layer of ice on the branches?

Even though, I generally do not mind winter. I mean, the changing seasons is why I enjoy Michigan. But, I must admit, I am looking forward to Spring.

Until next time..peace


Angry Bird?

Waiting patiently for Spring, Michigan was hit was some wintry weather last weekend. Knocking out my power for a couple of days, the ice storm was not a welcome visitor. My main concerns were my pump and freezers (I have 3). Other than that, I actually don’t mind the quietness of being unplugged for a couple of days.

I admit I prefer snow over ice any day. The ice just is not safe especially for me. Yes, I fell. I am fine, just bruised.

During the wintry mix, filling the bird feeders was one of my priorities.

Several kinds of birds frequented my feeders. Since I had no power anyway, I took a lot of pictures. The little Goldfinch was one my favorites. He (I think) just did not seem happy with the surrounding conditions.

On a positive note, the sun is shining brightly today. Maybe Spring will actually show up.

Until next time…peace


The Setting Sun

The setting sun always attracts me. Tonight, even though the temps were low, I had to go out to take photos. The wind blew the crisp air across my face as soon as I stepped out the door. But I still could not help but capture the setting sun.

My advice: always find a moment to watch the sunrise or the sunset. Each one is different. The stolen moments before or after a chaotic day provides a sense of calm.

Until next time…peace