Rainbow Above the Trees

Over the last couple of weeks, the weather here in Michigan has been extremely cold.  Actually between the negative temps and the bitterly cold wind chills, area schools have had to close down. I honestly do not remember any time where schools have had to close due to just the winter coldness.  I remember, school being closed due to the amount of snowfall but never freezing temps.  On a good note, Spring is inching closer every single day.

Needless to say, with the cold weather I have been hibernating inside next to the fire.  I have been trying to complete my book as well as keep up with my deadlines. I have done really well meeting article deadlines early (still had a couple rejections but that’s part of the freelance writing gig).

I was surprised to view this rainbow above the tree line tonight.  I am assuming the rainbow was due to the ice crystals in the air.  I loved seeing the brightness of the rainbow against the dull wintry sky.

Have a great night everyone.

Until next time….peace…

Frozen Clouds

Ok, I know clouds cannot be frozen.  I do remember some parts of my science classes from grade school.  Tonight, when I had to get outside and away from the computer, the air was so cold.  The clouds just looked as if they were frozen in the sky.  I loved watching them as they slowly changed.

The air is suppose to be colder and colder throughout the rest of the evening. I really do not seem surprised by this; we’ve been experiencing this cold snap for a few days now here in Michigan. So, I am going to focus on my novel. But I thought I would share my frozen clouds first.

b2 b3 b4 b5


Have a great night.

Until next time…peace.

Friday the 13th

So, today is Friday the 13th. Does that make you worried? The only aspect of Friday the 13th that I find scary today is the cold weather. The wind is still blowing causing the wind chill to dip down into the negative double digits. The sun is out shining brightly which is very deceiving; the cold air is enough to take your breath away when you step out the door. But I know spring is just around the corner. In fact, I think the first official day of spring is just over thirty days away. I am definitely ready to get outdoors without having to bundle up.

I have been looking up some quotes and facts about today.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery…Today is a Friday the 13! ~~Author Unknown

Did you know that the fear of Friday the 13th is called friggatriskaidekaphobia? ~~Author Unknown

It’s Friday the 13th. Just warning you all before you make any weekend arrangements for wood cabins by the lake.  ~~Author Unknown

Here are some facts about Friday the 13th, according to NBC News:

Here are five of our favorite Friday-the-13th facts:

  1. Fear of Friday the 13th — one of the most popular myths in science — is called paraskavedekatriaphobia as well as friggatriskaidekaphobia. Triskaidekaphobia is fear of the number 13.
  2. Many hospitals have no room 13, while some tall buildings skip the 13th floor and some airline terminals omit Gate 13.
  3. President Franklin D. Roosevelt would not travel on the 13th day of any month and would never host 13 guests at a meal. Napoleon and President Herbert Hoover were also triskaidekaphobic, with an abnormal fear of the number 13.
  4. Mark Twain once was the 13th guest at a dinner party. A friend warned him not to go. “It was bad luck,” Twain later told the friend. “They only had food for 12.” Superstitious diners in Paris can hire a quatorzieme, or professional 14th guest.
  5. The number 13 suffers from its position after 12, according to numerologists who consider the latter to be a complete number — 12 months in a year, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 gods of Olympus, 12 labors of Hercules, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles of Jesus, 12 days of Christmas and 12 eggs in a dozen.”

I thought the facts were interesting especially the part where you can hire a 14th guest to complete a dinner party (NBC News, 2014).  I love learning about superstitions and folklore. The ones that surround Friday the 13th are intriguing.

Have a great day!

Until next time…..peace….



NBC News, (2014). Five facts about Friday the 13th. Retrieved from: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/29661652/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/five-facts-about-friday-th/#.U5tjk_ldV8E

Beautifully Cold Morning

I am not sure if the words “beautifully cold” are proper together.  But those two words are how the morning looked to me. The last few days, the mornings have been cold.  The windchill has been in the negatives.  Mid-Michigan has warnings out, do not expose any part of your skin for more than 30 minutes or risk frost bite. Needless to say, I have been spending most of my time indoors.

I really cannot complain. I can deal with cold, there are many areas that are being hit with massive snow storms.  So, this seems to be mild compared to what Mother Nature could truly unleash. Anyways, I just stoke up the fireplace a little more especially in the evenings. The wind is colder during the evening hours, the extra heat is truly a blessing.  My house has been nice and warm the last few days.  My cats and dogs are pleased, I find them all gathered around the fireplace throughout the day.

During this cold snap, I have been putting extra seeds out for the birds and other little critters that visit my feeders. I think, it is the least I can do for my feathery little “friends”.  I love watching them around the feeders.  I can sit at my table, work on my book, drink my tea and watch the wildlife.

If you are in a cold snap, stay warm.

Until next time…..peace.


Blazing Sunset

Today, was a normal chilly day for winter in Michigan.  The sunset tonight was amazing.  As the sun began to set, the orange colors made the top of the trees look like they were on fire. The blazing sunset was absolutely stunning and beautiful.

During the winter months, the blazing sunset seem to be clearer and crisper. Of course, I have to remember to actually put a coat on next time.  I had grabbed my camera and ran out the door to capture the moment.  The air definitely was freezing.

Until next time….peace….


I am curious about this old photo like all photos I come across.  What I assume about this photo……

  • The gentleman is a farmer.
  • He is either water or fertilizing the plant.
  • Another option, the plants have a bug or slug; the farmer is applying a pesticide.
  • The area looks dry.
  • I like the fence around the garden which would aid in keeping bunnies away.

Other than that, I have no other ideas on what the farmer is doing. If he is watering each plant, the task would be time consuming.  The garden appears to be a large one.

More Mourning Doves

I will admit I have been enjoying a lazy Sunday.  I wrote an article before tomorrow’s deadline.  Now, I am just relaxing.  I did go outdoors for a little while.

There has a been a dampness to the air today.  I cannot tell if there is going to be snow storm or icy rain.  I guess time will tell. With the coldness in the air, I put more seeds and treats out for the birds which attracted more Mourning Doves.

Of course, I have about two dozen Sparrows out there right now. I also saw some a Titmouse, Bluejays, and a few Blackcapped Chickadees.

Until next time….peace.


Morning & Mourning Doves

Beautiful, crisp winter morning here in Mid-Michigan; the temperatures are actually above 20˚F. I admit the shift from negative temps to the current temperature actually makes the air feel warm. The wind has finally died down.  Of course, I know this is just the calm before the next snow storm.  But I will enjoy the “warmer” temps while they last.

Drinking my morning tea, I was able to watch all the different birds coming and going from the variety feeders I have set up in my yard.  I was impressed to see 15 Mourning Doves.  Most of these little doves were on my porch.  My porch is all opened with two different feeders.  Numerous seeds fall down unto the porch which the Mourning Doves love.

I decided to look up some quick facts about Mourning Doves to share with all of you.

  • Mourning Doves actually go by other names depending on the area. Different names include Turtle Dove, American Mourning Dove and Rain Dove.  I thought those were interesting, I had never heard the name “Rain Dove”.
  • Mourning Doves were once called the Carolina Pigeon or the Carolina Turtledove.
  • Mourning Doves will stockpile seeds for later use. They actually plan ahead.
  • The cooing which I love is done mainly by the male Mourning Dove.
  • Mourning Doves will usually mate for life.
  • When they sleep they actually put their head between their shoulders close to their body.
  • Mourning Doves will lay two eggs at a time; the eggs will take two weeks to incubate.
  • The oldest known Mourning Dove lived to be 31 years and 4 months.

Personally I just enjoy watching the doves especially first thing in the morning when everything seems quiet. Until next time……peace.

My Favorite Vintage Photos of the Week

Michigan has been displaying typical winter weather this week which means I have stayed indoors more than usual.  Even though I keep myself pretty busy with my writings, I have had extra time on my hands.  So, I turn to my stacks of negatives and slides to change them into digital prints.

These are six of my favorite vintage photos of the week.  Since there is another snow storm in the forecast for the weekend, I am certain I will have more favorites soon.

The main image (featured image) shows three children playing on a bike.  I love everything about this photo. I am assuming they are all girls just spending time outdoors together. The girls seem to be enjoying themselves.  The laundry hanging in the background is definitely a sign of the times (even though I hang my blankets out on the clothes line in the summer months too).



The photo of the children on the swing brings back memories.  My siblings are younger than me. They use to sit on my lap while I would swing.  Of course, that was before swings came with child seats and safety harnesses.  But despite everything that could have went wrong by swinging two on a seat, we still had a good time.




This is one of the older photos that I have redone.  The negative was most likely from the late 60’s or early 70’s which corresponds with the way with the young men are dressed.  They just seem to be “hanging out” in a park.




I am bad with uniforms, but to me she looks like a military nurse.  I like her smile. Perhaps, she was on leave or maybe she just received her credentials to be a nurse.  I know the possibilities are endless.


This photo looks like a family gathering of sorts.  I love how the boy in the front has a big and somewhat fake smile.  While the other boy in the background is giving “bunny ears” to the boy who has no idea.




Two young girls on a wooden swing.  I love everything about this photo.  I am considering having a swing like this built for my photo sessions.  I really like the idea especially with the fence in the background.