Bridgeville Beauties: A Family of Canadian Geese

I didn’t see this little family of Canadian Geese at first. I originally was just snapping a few photos of the landscape. But the adult geese let me know I was close. I backed away, trying not to disturb them. But the adult geese quickly ushered their goslings into the water.

The family of Canadian Geese was a pleasant surprise to photograph.

Signs of Spring

Even though the wind still holds the winter chill, the sun is shining brightly today. I am ecstatic to see the first signs of spring. Don’t get me wrong I am positive old man winter is not done with us. But, the early signs of spring always provides an extra mood lift.

The Sandhill Cranes have been voicing their return. Their deep throating rattle is music to my ears as they fly high above me.

The return of Sandhill Cranes always means warmer weather is on the way.

The Canadian geese are very vocal down on the river flats. The snow is slowly melting away.

I see Robins searching for food in my yard. The Red-Winged Blackbirds are singing loudly. The slight warm-up brings good cheer to all creatures, not just humans.

Well, until next time…peace


Happy Winter Solstice

Beautiful day here in mid-Michigan. Today is the first official day of winter. The day will be short and the night long.

Canadian Geese enjoying the sun on the Maple River

But for now, the sun is shining brightly. I cannot ask for a better day, especially for this time of year.

Happy Winter Solstice, my friends.

Until next time…peace

World Wildlife Day

Today, March 3, 2018, is World Wildlife Day. For me celebrating the day is simple…go outdoors. Stepping outside in the Michigan sun, I can hear the Sandhills Cranes and Canadian Geese in the distance. Their arrival reminds me Spring is on the way.

I can view the birds at my feeders. Each second, I am in nature reminds me of the importance of our wildlife.

Sparrow watching me.



So, I hope you were able to step outside and view Mother Nature at her best. If not there’s always tomorrow or consider watching a DVD on wildlife. One of my favorites is the Blue Planet series. 

Happy World Wildlife Day!

Until next time…peace

The Babies Are Getting Bigger

I love seeing the little babies all snuggled down by their parents. I cannot believe how big some of the little Canadian Geese are getting since the last time I spent photographing them.

Of course, the parents are still very protective of them. I always use my longer lens. I do not want to disturb them too much.

The little ones are getting bigger. I love watching them follow their parents around. It's so cute.
The little ones are getting bigger. I love watching them follow their parents around. It’s so cute.

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day! I hope your extended weekend was enjoyable. I did what I loved to do this weekend. I took nature photos and spent time with family and friends. I am truly blessed to have such amazing people in my life. Of course, I worked a little too. My mother and I went to the cemetery earlier in the week to put flowers on the grave sites. Remember those who are no longer with us, reminds me how short and precious life can be at times.

I joined a volunteer organization years ago, called Soldiers’ Angels. I have met some amazing people through this group. I took to social media to thank all the men and women who have served over the years. As well as a moment to remember those who are no longer with us. My father served in the Army. I have the utmost respect for all who have served or currently serving.

The weekend has been filled with little moments. I was standing at my kitchen sink when I viewed a Bald Eagle flying low over the field. Of course, he was too quick for me to grab a camera. But the view was spectacular.

I was out photographing a Barn Swallow. The bird sat on my weathervane; he was at the top right in the middle. When I went out to photograph him (or her), I realized the Barn Swallow was coaching the babies to fly out of the nearby bird houses. I know only a true nature nut would like the idea of standing in the yard while little birds fly around her head. I just loved how the adult Barn Swallow was so vocal to the little ones.


Today, I was able to spend time photographing baby geese. There’s just something fun and heartwarming watching the little goslings swim around the river. The mother kept gathering them together. She would nudge them to the safety of the lily pads if she thought they were in danger. There are a lot of vehicles that travel on the road; louder ones would cause her to scurry them to safety.

And of course, I have no words to describe the the sunset this evening.

Memorial Day Sunset
Memorial Day Sunset

Until next time…peace.