
This image has no identifying marks. I am calling it, “Generations”. In my opinion, the people in the photo resemble a mother, two daughters, and their children.

The mother appears to be wearing black. Perhaps, the photo was taken after her husband’s funeral. Or maybe the outfit is actually a dark blue, the photo could be after a church service or other family gathering.

What do you think?

Until next time…peace

A Posing Couple

Next to wildlife photography, vintage or old photos are my favorite. I have people sending me old negatives and photos. Because they know how much I adore vintage photography. And they were just going to throw them out.

The image I restored, shows a posing couple. Unfortunately, I do not have any other information.

I assume this was a special occasion or a moment after church service.

What do you think?

Until next time…peace

Happy Nature Day

Today is Nature Day. I find peace in nature. The fact they are designating an entire day to nature is amazing. I hope others find nature as soothing as I do.

I could spend hours watching and photographing all types of nature. Every aspect of nature intrigues me.

Do you have a favorite spot to watch nature? Let me know.

Until next time…peace

A Family in 1929

Another image that I cleaned up from an estate sale. I would love to know the stained glass window’s colors on the image’s right-hand side.

This photo does have a date, October 1929. The style of clothing matches the date too.

In my opinion, I think the photo is a couple and their child is holding grandma’s hand.

What do you think?

Until next time…peace

Holding Funeral Prayer Cards

I am guessing…again. But I believe the photo was taken at a funeral. I am hesitant with this guess because the women are wearing white dresses. However, they seem to be holding up funeral prayer cards. Perhaps, the older woman’s husband passed away.

What do you think?

Until next time…peace.

Boys Holding Hats

I really like this picture. I can hear their mother saying, “Take off those hats”. Of course, I am only guessing. Like many of my photos, I do not have any information.

The boys are dressed in their “Sunday best, ” making me think they are headed to church. Or maybe they are heading to a church social, wedding, or other formal event.

What do you think?

Until next time…peace.

Lady in Front of the House

I am assuming the lady is posing in front of her house. Perhaps, the house was a new purchase. I can see other houses reflecting in her windows which leads to me to believe the house was in the suburbs. Another scenario, the house may be part of military housing. The photo was in an estate lot with other military photos.

I do have a little information on this image. The back of the photo is stamped with Brown Photo Service, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Sept. 11, 1942.

What do you see?

Until next time…peace

Going on a Picnic

I honestly do not if the couple in the photograph are going on a picnic. But I love the big picnic basket the gentleman is holding. They are in dress clothes. The couple may be attending a church social or reunion.

I do not have any details of this image.

What do you think?

Until next time…peace

Vintage Photo: Old Cars

I just love this photo. My curious side wishes I had more information. The image was part of an estate sale which did not have any details on the photos.

I cleaned the photo up to the best of my abilities. Do you think this was a car club? Church? Revival meeting? Reunion? I have so many guesses but no answers.

Let me know what you think!

Until next time…peace

Tillie — A Lady by the Window

The image was part of an estate sale. Written in faded pencil, the only identifying mark on the photo is the name, “Tillie” which is on the front of the print.

I would like to believe that is her name. She is sitting perfectly in front of the window. The image is definitely a studio print. But I do not have any further information.

The lady sitting by the window is adorned with a captivating piece of jewelry, delicately hanging from her neck. Its color, like a hidden secret, remains elusive. Perhaps it was a necklace, or maybe a mysterious locket.

I also noticed a ring gracing her left hand, but its significance remains yet a mystery like the entire image. Was it a symbol of love, a token of commitment, or something else entirely? Like many of the images I view, I am left with more questions than answers.

What do you see when you view the image?

Until next time…peace