Babies Everywhere

“I am in favor of animal rights

as well as human rights.

That is the way of a whole human being.”

― Abraham Lincoln

I have been enjoying time away from my computer. Oh, don’t get me wrong I am still meeting my article deadlines. My editor would not be happy with me if I work was not in on time. But I have also been enjoying the warm weather. One great aspect about this time of year is all the babies.

But I have also been outdoors more enjoying the warm weather. With combating the weeds and viewing the everything nature has to offer, I just seem to lose track of time. One great aspect about this time of year is all the babies.

One great aspect about this time of year is all the babies.

Baby birds, ducks, and geese are easily viewable.

I believe this is a baby Sparrow. I have a hard time identifying babies.
I believe this is a baby Sparrow. I have a hard time identifying babies.

And, the tadpoles are so much fun to watch along the water’s edge.

I bet there's over a hundred of these little Tadpoles in the pond.
I bet there’s over a hundred of these little Tadpoles in the pond.


I have not been able to spot any baby deer yet. I have three does who visit my yard every night. I can tell, they are very pregnant. So, I am hoping I will soon see a couple of fawns.

Until next time…peace

Last Night’s Sunset

The strange weather has been the topic here in mid-Michigan the last few days. The below normal temperatures are preventing farmers from getting their fields planted.

Yesterday began with rain and ended with rain. The extra rain keeps the fields very wet. But, there were moments of sunshine in between. My yard is starting to resemble a small lake. At least, all the wildlife are enjoying the extra ponds. The birds were out bathing themselves and searching for food.

The sun was out for most of the day today. As the evening began to usher in, the temperatures dropped, the wind picked up and the rain returned. Tomorrow, I cannot believe the forecast….rain with a chance of snow mixed in. Is it really May? Of course, it is Michigan. We all should be use to the changing weather by now.

Until next time…peace

From Today’s Wanderings

Originally, my plan for today was to mow the lawn. After I reached half way around my yard, I soon realized, I could not finish. The yard had standing water from the other night’s rain. So, I decided to do some wandering.

Being in nature and unplugging for a short time helps me stay creative.

This little frog was attempting to get warm by sunning himself on a branch.
This little frog was attempting to get warm by sunning himself on a branch.

Frogs and more frogs, and tadpoles….

Just floating along....
Just floating along….
On the pond’s edge
Tadpoles of all sizes were visible.

Some wildlife was harder to spot than others.

Hidden bunny

Who is watching who?

One of the does watching me.
One of the does watching me.